Yesterday really took it out of me. It was a lot of fun thought! We went to the YMCA here, which was pretty cool. We got to the gymnasium with 600 loud teenagers. Well, this was after we walked half a mile to a shopping mall for Starbucks only to find out there was no Starbucks in said mall, so we went to 7-11 which was right down the road from the YMCA. You can't tell me I'm not getting my exercise here!
Anyway, we got back and listened to some other musicians sing and play before Lynnette introduced us. It was kind of like a rockstar introduction. Lots of loud music and running on stage and jumping around. It was really fun. We taught the kids some songs with hand motions. Old camp standbys like "Praise Ye the Lord" and "Lord I Lift Your Name on High." There were a couple other songs we sang that I hadn't heard of before the night before. "I'm Trading My Sorrows" and "Blessed be Your Name." Since I can sing, I was handed a microphone. I wasn't sure on the melodies of the latter two, but I just made it up as I go. I was pretty sure the kids wouldn't know the difference. It was a lot of fun though there was a lot of jumping around. It reminded me very strongly of being a camp counselor.
Several students then took us around the campus, showing us around. One of the boys who walked with us is in my tour group tomorrow, so it was very nice that I got to talk to him more. At one point, Luke, Adam, myself, and to of the boys were talking about deer hunting. For like half an hour. It was pretty funny. When we were walking back to the canteen, the boys asked us if we liked computer games. I said I liked Playstation more, which they thought was pretty cool, and asked which game. When I said Final Fantasy... well, let's just say that it was the most enthusiastic reaction I've ever had to guys finding out I'm a gamer (seriously, they have nothing on the gamers I know). It was pretty funny.
After dinner, we took a nice long bus ride home. I was VERY tired from being in a group of 600 people for a few hours (they played games for awhile before our YMCA tour), so I spent the ride home praying and reflecting on the day. It was really nice to kind of be by myself in my own head. I'm very much an introvert, and it's very tiring on me to be around people all the time.
I went to bed somewhat early last night, and got up at 6:30, which is my standard time, apparently. We got dressed and waved at the children coming into the Siu Luen school. It was the last day of school, so the younger grades (2nd and 3rd grades, I believe) had sort of game days. I helped with Megan and Adam with the music, and coloring little booklets in the Gospel Colors. It was a LOT of fun. The little children were very cute, and I'd say they have almost as high a level in English as I do of German, only with a larger vocabulary. Speaking of which, I need to start reading German websites again. I'm REALLY lacking in my vocab, and I probably couldn't carry on a conversation about something other than the weather or my hobbies anymore.
I sadly didn't get a lot of pictures since I left my camera in my room, but it's not a big deal.
This evening, we had a barbecue in the pits by the beach, since it wasn't nearly as busy on a Wednesday night. It was SO MUCH FUN. At first I was kind of leery of the food since it was mostly pork chops and chicken wings, and I'm not fond of either. But I busted out the cheesy weenies (which were really good!) and barbecued some bread (also really good!) and we had a wonderful time. We all got to hang out and talk. It was just a good ol' Lutheran barbecue with good meat and beer. At one point the six of us and Adam's friend Brittany (she's lived in Hong Kong for 9 years! She goes to Concordia Seward though) went down to the beach to dip our feet and hang out in the sand for a bit.
I had way more fun than I thought I would. I didn't have BAD expectations, I'm just not a barbecue person. I'm glad my expectations were wrong.
Tomorrow is my tour! And Friday Brittany's taking us clubbing, Hong Kong style. :D It should be a good time! I really want to go to the Russian Bar and get in touch with my roots. If I do I promise to get a picture of me in a fur coat. :D
A strange sign on the bus.
*hugs Cath* I'm so glad you're having a fun time, Cath! And I love 'Blessed Be Your Name' and 'Trading My Sorrows'! They're great songs. Can't wait to hear more on your trip!