Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am cold and full of yummy stuffed pizza.

My parents and I reached Chicago safe and sound. We decided to get, of course, the famous Chicago stuffed pizza for dinner, at a swingin' (well, not really) little place nearby called Nancy's. Very delicious, and I can feel my arteries clogging already from all that greasy, delicious cheese.

While we were piling in the car, we saw this cluster of signs.

I didn't even notice the typo until my dad asked, "Does cigarettes have two 'r's?"

Good times, Chicago, good times.

It's also COLD here. My poor little St. Louis heart can't take it. Well, okay, it's in the seventies, but when you're used to like 60% humidity with temps in the 80's or 90's.... you catch my drift.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting ready

I have a doc appointment later, and I have a bunch of little things to do before I leave, chiefly making sure I have all the clothes I'll need. Hong Kong is a sub tropical climate, and I'm not fond of shorts, so I have quite a few pairs of dress and linen pants.

The problem is I'm all of five feet tall, and no one makes clothes for 5 feet tall women with HIPS (Petites aren't even short enough for me sometimes, and they fit weird anyway).

Pants waiting to be hemmed (bonus shot of my Nintendo DS!). It stinks sometimes being a Shorty McSmallsperson.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Blog, Wee!

This is my new blog to talk about all my adventures and day-to-day drudgery for my trip to Hong Kong. *waves*

I figure it's better to have this all in one central place instead of posting stuff on facebook, forums, and livejournal seperately. So yay, cohesiveness! Bookmark and keep up with the awesomeness.